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Fire News

DRONE: Massive blaze destroys Pocono Shopping Center

June 25, 2023 0

Sunday morning a fire broke out at the Fountain Court Shopping Center located at 3180 Route 611 in Bartonsville, Pocono Township, Monroe County, Pennsylvania. The massive blaze brought fire departments from 6 counties and 2 […]


Deadly shooting at Whitehall Playground

June 13, 2023 0

Approximately 7:00PM Tuesday evening, a Cetronia ambulance called in a shooting at the West Catasauqua playground on Pine Street in Whitehall Township, Lehigh County. Gunshots rang out in the lower parking lot near the basketball […]

Allentown F.D.

Grill Fire Goes to 3-alarms on Fountain Street

June 11, 2023 0

Shortly before 2:30PM Allentown Fire Radio transmitted partial box 2267 (9th & Allen) for 545 North Fountain Street for an outside fire (Grill) sending Engine 9. Directly after that transmission, box 2267 was filled out […]

Allentown F.D.

2-Alarms struck for this house fire

April 16, 2023 0

Approximately 16:16 hours Sunday April 16, Allentown Pennsylvania Fire Radio transmitted box 2569 for 1934 Allen Street for the house fire sending Engines 10, 9, 4, 6 (F.A.S.T.), Truck 1 and Battalion 43 (Hess), Medics […]

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