At 23:40 Thursday, Lehigh County 911 transmitted the Catasauqua box for 2nd and Mulberry Streets for a fire located at 143 2nd Street for reports of an apartment fire on the 3rd floor.
A working fire signal was transmitted upon arrival. Engine 2 and Ladder 2 took position in front of the building. Quint 18 came in behind Engine 2.
Engine 2 stretched a hand line to the fire floor. A second line was stretched and the second alarm was transmitted. The fire was quickly darkened down. A third line was stretched for the blitz fire as a precaution as smoke pushed from the windows on the third floor.
Rescue 11 (F.A.S.T.) arrived next and positioned a block away to allow 2nd alarm companies room to position.
Engine 2 stretched a 4th hand line to the rear of the building to hit fire (hot spot) that was burning at the peak of the roof.
Interior crews pulled ceilings and opened up looking for and extinguishing any hot spots they found.
Coplay Engine 5, Whitehall Squrt 38, Air 32 and Northampton County Station 15 Hanover responded on the 2nd alarm.
Six apartments were damaged in the fire. No injuries were reported.