On Thursday December 26, 2024 Allentown Fire transmitted box 2335 (7th & Greenleaf) for 721 Cedar Street on a house fire sending Engines 9, 6, 10, 13 (F.A.S.T.), Truck 2 and Battalion 43. The dispatcher notified 43 that the scene may be unsafe. Police were called to that address for a domestic disturbance and once on scene, discovered a fire inside the dwelling. Police also were reporting a person trapped inside. Engine 4 was on another call and became available and replaced Engine 10 on the box.
Engine 6 arrived first and signaled a working fire with smoke showing from the front of the 3-story middle-of-row. They immediately stretched a handline to the front door and knocked down the fire running the porch roofs then hit the fire on the first floor of the house. Engine 6 transmitted the 2nd alarm. That alarm consists of Engine 10 and 14
Meanwhile, the dispatcher was notifying the crews of a person trapped inside the basement in the rear. A female was screaming in the basement window for help. Firefighters went to the rear and asked for a handline and for PPL utilities to shut power down due to the electrical lines in the rear hampering rescue operations. The firefighters were able to rescue the female and AEMS transported her to a local hospital.
Battalion 43 then struck out the 3rd alarm sending the last available Engine to the scene, Engine 11. He also ordered a special-call for two additional Engines from the Mutual Aid companies.
The fire eventually extended vertically and then horizontally across 5 homes.
Drone Video by Mike Nester