Box 2136 was transmitted at 15:26 for a reported house fire at 731 West Hickory Street sending Engines 4, 9, 6, 14, Truck 2 and Battalion Chief 4 (Hess).
On arrival, Hess reported heavy smoke from front door of a 3-story middle-of-row (M/O/R) and signaled a working fire. Engine 4 positioned at Hall and Hickory and stretched to the fire building.
With fire blowing out the rear of the house, Battalion 4 ordered the 2nd alarm struck, bringing in Engine 14, 10 and Air 1.
An additional water supply was brought in from 8th and Union. A hand line was stretched to the rear while additional lines were stretched to the front.
All searched for civilians came up negative. A pet dog was found on the first floor. The bulk of the fire was darkened down 20 minutes later. Overhaul crews found additional pockets of fire between the 2nd and 3rd floors.