Saturday at 1:00PM a fire officer radioed Lehigh County Fire Radio and reported a fire at 218 Church Street in Catasauqua.
The box was then transmitted for a house fire sending Stations 2 and 18. Engine 211 was manned at the station a couple blocks away and responded immediately. Chief 2 (Hertzog) arrived first and signaled a working fire in a 2.5 story Middle of the row.
Engine 211 initiated a transitional attack by first hitting the fire using the Blitz Fire from the exterior to cool down the environment inside then following up immediately with a hand line. Crews found a room and contents job on the second floor in a middle bedroom. The fire was extinguished within minutes.
Ladder 231 was positioned in front of Engine 211. Ladder 18 was positioned in an alley on the side and rear of the row home.
The first-in engine and Ladder 18 both secured their own water supply. The Fire Marshal is investigating. No injuries were reported.