Lehigh County 9-1-1 transmitted the box for 1308 North Thirteenth Street for an apartment building fire in building J of the Spring Ridge Complex.
Police arrived first and reported a working fire. Police command requested all patrolmen to report to the fire.
Chief 35 (Nelson) arrived moments later and reported fire through the roof of the 2-story garden style apartment. He ordered Engine 1 (LC3611) to position in front of the building and use the deck gun to knock some fire down before crews advanced inside. Engine 2 connected to the plug on 13th Street and supplied the engine and ladder.
Tower 6 positions behind Engine 1 and used their master stream. The fire started darkening down within 15 minutes and then crews made their way inside on the left and right side of the fire apartment.
Other companies worked in the rear of the building knocking down fire from the balconies.
The fire was held to the main fire building. One person was found dead in the fire apartment during the primary search.
Mutual aid companies from surrounding communities assisted Whitehall Fire Department.
A major police presence was there doing crowd control.
The Pennsylvania State Police Fire Marshal office was called to investigate the fire.