Lehigh County Fire Dispatch transmitted a box at 2245 hours Tuesday for a house fire with people trapped 39 S. 4th Street in Coplay Borough.
Police arrived and reported a fully-involved house with live power lines down over the street. Whitehall Deputy 35 (Bilder) arrived and suggested to Chief 5 to strike out the 2nd alarm. The county fire dispatcher transmitted the 2nd alarm at 2251 hours.
First-due Whitehall engine 3 stretched two hand lines and quickly darkened down the fire that was involving the porch that connected both sides of the 2.5-story duplex. They brought in their own water supply from a plug at 4th and Center Streets.
Coplay Engine 5 arrived and positioned at 4th and Keystone and stretched a hand line to side 4 of the duplex.
A total of 5 lines were stretched and in operation. All searches were negative.